Zaouia d'Ifrane, Morocco.

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La Zaouia d'Ifrane 

Is a village in the Middle Atlas. It deserves special attention for its development on an ecotourism infrastructure creation plan. The locality gets its name from the zaouia established near the village by the marabout Sidi M'hammed Ou-Boubker.

Geographic location:

The Zaouia d'Ifrane is located 25 km south of Azrou in the province of Ifrane on the river Had Oued Ifrane, on a geomorphological model representing the characteristics of the middle Causse Atlassique with alternating plateaus and cliffs , In a varied forest environment with predominantly cedar and oak groves.


The Zaouia of Ifrane was built gradually around the tomb of the marabout Sidi M'hammed Ou-Boubker, at the foot of a karstic cliff characteristic of the erosive factor of the rocks during the tertiary, which explains the presence of the caves, 'Ifrane appellation, meaning "caves" in Berber. During the era of the French protectorate, the Zaouia d'Ifrane became a site belonging to the national park of Ifrane.

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